June 2023

St. Kitts and Nevis Clean Seas Project

The St. Kitts and Nevis Clean Seas Project seeks to build and enhance on the coastal clean-up efforts spearheaded by Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) in St. Kitts and Nevis and The Ripple Institute (TRI) in St. Kitts and Nevis under the Clean Seas Program (www.cleanseas.org). This project was launched on Thursday 31st October 2019.  CYEN, St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter and The Ripple Institute aim to mobilise the youth in St. Kitts and Nevis by equipping them with the appropriate tools and training to become active guardians of the coastal areas in their communities through environmental monitoring, tree planting and clean-up initiatives. Some of the project activities include but are not limited to the establishment of a community- based monitoring network, training of youth community members in beach profiling and recreational water monitoring and simple data storage and analysis, the purchasing of equipment and kits for each community to undertake monitoring and clean-up activities, active quarterly monitoring and coastal cleanup activities the creation of a St. Kitts and Nevis Clean Seas website, and complementary activities such as community tree planting days. Additionally, there are many important key organisations that have partnered with CYEN, St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter for the Clean Seas Project such as the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society, Department of Environment, Department of Marine Resources, Department of Youth Empowerment and the Ministry of Education.

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St. Kitts and Nevis Backyard Gardening Facebook Group

The St. Kitts and Nevis Backyard Gardening Facebook Group is an initiative by The Ripple Institute SKN and the Caribbean Youth Environment Network. The theme of this initiative is “Greening Communities Through Food Production” and its aim is to increase food security. The objectives of the St. Kitts & Nevis Gardening Facebook Group are to create awareness about Kitchen (Backyard) Gardening (https://www.facebook.com/groups/631055511126237/), promote the growing of fresh and safe vegetables without the use of synthetic pesticides, encourage community bartering of fresh produce and other garden related materials, promote sustainable farming in communities and generate supplemental incomes. By doing these, there will be an improvement in food security, Healthy living through physical activities from garden activities and diet, reduced food waste through conservation and compost, easy access to fresh and safe produce, and a source of income. It is our hope that anyone who demonstrates an interest in gardening and a willingness to teach others about the importance and benefits of gardening, will be a part of our cause. Examples of the type of gardening being practised include: Vegetables/ Kitchen Gardening and Vertical Gardening.

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Ministry of Environment and National Beautification (MENB), Green and Blue Economy Press Conference

The MENB held a press conference in recognition of Environment Month and invited CYEN as a partner. The organisation was represented by National Coordinator, Shannon Weekes and Public Relations Officer, Ivanna Odle. The press conference was to update the public on what the Ministry and its partners are doing in Barbados to combat Plastic Pollution. Some of the attendees included The Honorable Adrian Forde- Minister of Environment and National Beautification, Mrs. Donna King-Brathwaite- Senior Environmental Education Officer, Dr. Leo Brewster- Director of the Coastal Zone Management Unit and Dr. Shelly-Ann Cox- Chief Fisheries Officer.

Ministry of Environment and National Beautification (MENB), Green and Blue Economy Press Conference Read More »

First Environmental Fact- Bats!

The Barbados Chapter has embarked on a project of compiling 24 environmental facts about Barbados. The project aims to educate Barbadians about unknown or lesser-known facts about the island and the relevance of these facts to the island. The facts will range from plants to geology and twelve (12) of them will be shared during environment month while the other 12 will be shared later in the year. The first environmental fact about Barbados is Bats! Did you know that Barbados has SIX (6) species of Bats?

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Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU) panel discussion entitled, The Development of Ocean Policy Promises and Pitfalls”

On World Oceans Day (June 8th, 2023), our very own Shanice Haynes attended the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU) panel discussion entitled, “The Development of Ocean Policy: Promises and Pitfalls”. The event proved to be enlightening and educational.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU) panel discussion entitled, The Development of Ocean Policy Promises and Pitfalls” Read More »

Participation in the Government’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) National Stakeholder Consultation

On June 5th, 2023, the Government of Barbados held its SDG National Stakeholder Consultation to which CYEN was invited. The consultation was to inform stakeholders of the progress Barbados has made towards the SDGs, the shortcomings, and next steps. During the consultation, presentations were given on the National SDG Mapping, Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA) Report and the Voluntary National Review (VNR).

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Honorarium Award by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

On June 4th 2023, the CYEN was awarded a Honorarium Award by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. CYEN was awarded because of its dedication to the steering of the FP060 WSRN S-Barbados Project; representing the voices of young entrepreneurs, environmental activities, climate science and grassroots organisations.

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Beach Cleanup with RBC Bank & Chancery Lane Swamp Visit

CYEN collaborated with RBC Bank (Barbados) to execute a beach cleanup on June 10th, 2023, at Long Beach Christ Church. After the beach cleanup, 156.93kgs of marine debris were removed from Long beach with the most common item and item of local concern being plastic pieces (microplastics)- 1,504 pieces. After the beach cleanup, CYEN members took a visit to one of Barbados’ last remaining wetlands, Chancery Lane Swamp. The wetland is seasonal and serves as a home to many migratory birds.

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