The Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Community Empowerment, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), recently coordinated a series of climate change workshops through the 2023 National Summer Camp Programme. During the period of August 22nd-25th 2023, the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) in Barbados facilitated six (6) 1-hour sessions at the following camp locations:
• Shirley Chisholm Primary School, Christ Church
• St. Ambrose Primary School, St. Michael
• St. George Primary School, St. George
• Lawarence T. Gay Primary School, St. Michael
• Lodge Road Wesleyan Holiness Church, Christ Church
• St. Catherine’s Primary School, St. Philip
The climate change workshops were facilitated by the following CYEN representatives: National Coordinator in Barbados, Ms. Shannon Weekes, Finance Officer, Mr. Jabari Jones, Administrative and Logistics Offi cer, Ms. Jahdae Parris and member, Ms. Xinara Bascombe.
The six (6) climate change workshops brought together 87 students between the ages of 7 and 11 who were educated on Climate Change and the 3R’s and also encouraged to enter the Recycled Art Showcase Competition.