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Honorarium Award by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

On June 4th 2023, the CYEN was awarded a Honorarium Award by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. CYEN was awarded because of its dedication to the steering of the FP060 WSRN S-Barbados Project; representing the voices of young entrepreneurs, environmental activities, climate science and grassroots organisations.

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Beach Cleanup with RBC Bank & Chancery Lane Swamp Visit

CYEN collaborated with RBC Bank (Barbados) to execute a beach cleanup on June 10th, 2023, at Long Beach Christ Church. After the beach cleanup, 156.93kgs of marine debris were removed from Long beach with the most common item and item of local concern being plastic pieces (microplastics)- 1,504 pieces. After the beach cleanup, CYEN members took a visit to one of Barbados’ last remaining wetlands, Chancery Lane Swamp. The wetland is seasonal and serves as a home to many migratory birds.

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Press Briefing – World Environment Day (WED) 2023

To commemorate World Environment Day (WED) 2023, CYEN in Barbados held a press briefing. The press briefing was to highlight the importance of WED and the work that the chapter had undertaken and plans to undertake. During the briefing, the Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector, Ms. Sharon Drayton gave the featured remarks, the National Coordinator, Ms. Shannon Weekes, for CYEN in Barbados gave the opening remarks and the Public Relations Officer for the Chapter, Ms. Ivanna Odle gave the findings for the soil and youth research undertaken by the chapter in February 2023. Additionally, prizes for past competitions were distributed to the winners.

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Participation in the virtual Barbados Voluntary National Review (VNR) Stakeholder Consultation

On May 19th, 2023, the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) in Barbados, participated in a focus group meeting hosted by the Prime Minister’s Office, to gather information from the organization and other NGOs on existing projects that NGOs in Barbados are doing and their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), potential data sources, as well as to allow for the collation of data required for the Barbados Voluntary National Review (VNR). The NGOs in the focus group included Future Centre Trust and CYEN. Other organization who attended the meeting included UN women and International Organization of Migration (IOM).

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General Meeting Barbados

On May 25th, CYEN in Barbados held its 11th general meeting. At the meeting, present members were updated on past CYEN activities, the chapters participation in events on the local level as well as the organizations participation regionally. Additionally, plans for the upcoming Environment month (June) were conceptualized and discussed for implementation. Lastly, the members had a fruitful discussion on humans and living sustainably.

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Mangrove Restoration

  Emmanuel Lopez from the CYEN chapter in Belize along with students from ANRI High School traveled to Twin Caye (North-west of Dangriga), to conduct mangrove restoration. They were able to plant approximately 100 mangrove propagules. The restoration effort was conducted to combat erosion along with assisting in the protection of the island from future natural disasters.

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World Biodiversity Day 2023

World Biodiversity Day is celebrated on May 22nd each year. This year to commemorate the day, members of the Barbados chapter took a moment to visit the Welchman Hall Gully and to appreciate the stunning biodiversity of the natural environment. Chapter members were joined by the President of the Belfield Youth Council, Caleb Brathwaite. It was a great way to connect with nature and observe the intricate web of life that surrounds us. Members learned about the different species present in the gully from the Bearded fig tree, to the Mamey Apple Tree, and their purposes and contributions to the Barbados environment.

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Meet Greet and Social for National Coordinator of St. Vincent and The Grenadines

During the week of May 16th – May 18th, the National Coordinator for the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter of CYEN, Ms. Deona Nero, was in Barbados. On the 17th May, members of the Barbados Chapter and the Executive Coordinator, Mr. Reginald Burke, met up with Deona and held a small social at the Bay Street Esplanade where they talked and got to know each other better.

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