April 2023

British High Commission NGO Stakeholder Consultation (March 2022)

The British High Commission sought to get feedback on how to help Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) overcome their challenges and partner with the Government. One executive member attended and provided feedback. The British High Commissioner at the NGO Consultation with members of several other NGOs, including Event Coordinator for CYEN in T&T, Nyoka Morris.

British High Commission NGO Stakeholder Consultation (March 2022) Read More »

Earth Day March 2023

There was a collaboration with the Junior Chambers International (JCI) for Earth Day; by taking activism to the streets of capital Kingstown under the theme “Invest in our Planet” whereas there was a march held on April 21st, 2023. The march started at the Peace Memorial Hall and reconvened at Victoria Park to have an awareness session among the participating school that attended the march about how each student can play an important role in protecting nature in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

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A Scoping Mission To Drive Climate Action

The Ministry of Tourism Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture, in collaboration with the NDC Partnership Support Unit hosted A Scoping Mission that took place during the week of 13th – 17th March 2023. This event was held to assess needs and identify opportunities for collaboration, with multiple Partners, to drive climate action in alignment with national priorities and the sustainable development agenda.

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Press Release for World Water Day 2023

World Water Day is recognized on March 22nd each year. This year, the Barbados Chapter issued a press release highlighting the drought-like conditions the island has been facing during the month of March which were partially responsible for the grass fires the island was battling. These sorts of events (fires) during drought-like conditions can cause further stress on the island’s water supply and therefore we must practice water conservation measures at work, school and home. The press release also highlighted the Water Audit Project which CYEN in partnership with Graydon Sealy, Harrison College and Foundation Secondary School will be undertaking. It has been estimated that the youth population of the island spend more than half of their time at school and therefore, the amount of water schools use is important to note.

Press Release for World Water Day 2023 Read More »

Courtesy Visit from Mark Blumberg

On 24th March, 2023 the CYEN Caribbean Office, located in Barbados, received a courtesy visit from Mark Blumberg, an internationally renowned lawyer at the law firm Blumbergs Professional Corporation in Toronto. This firm works almost exclusively in the areas of non-profit and charity law and has undertaken significant work in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Blumberg was received by the Executive Coordinator, Mr. Reginald Burke, National Coordinator in Barbados, Ms. Shannon Weekes and the Administrative and Logistics Officer in Barbados, Ms. Jahdae Parris.

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BioBlitz at Cocohill Forest with Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway (CPAG)

Members of the Barbados Chapter participated in a BioBlitz at Cocohill Forest, St. Joseph which was hosted by Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway (CPAG) on March 25th 2023. A Bioblitz is an event where persons take pictures/observations to help identify plants and animals within specified areas, in this instance, the specified area was Cocohill Forest. CYEN members were citizen scientists for 2 hours taking pictures of the flora and fauna seen in the forest while also enjoying the views of Barbados and the banter amongst members. Animals and insects such as the millipede, giant African snails and ants were seen along with plants such as the MacCaw Palm, almond trees, bamboo trees and lemongrass.

BioBlitz at Cocohill Forest with Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway (CPAG) Read More »