246 Designs Inc.

Youth for Climate Resilience and the Environment Symposium (October)

The Youth for Climate Resilience and the Environment Symposium (YCRES) was conceptualized by the group in 2018 as a national youth consultative process leading up to the Twenty-Fourth United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP24). This annual session seeks to edify youth on state climate and environment policies and international diplomacy context while exploring entry points for youth engagement on local, regional, and international levels.

Youth for Climate Resilience and the Environment Symposium (October) Read More »

International Coastal Clean-up (September/October)

The Summer Essay Writing (SEW) Competition seeks to increase the education and awareness of, as well as to promote youth involvement in, issues related to the environment and sustainable development. This initiative gives young persons an opportunity to showcase their creative writing skills and passion for saving our planet, and how they can show leadership in Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.

International Coastal Clean-up (September/October) Read More »

Summer Essay Writing Contest (July/August)

The Summer Essay Writing (SEW) Competition seeks to increase the education and awareness of, as well as to promote youth involvement in, issues related to the environment and sustainable development. This initiative gives young persons an opportunity to showcase their creative writing skills and passion for saving our planet, and how they can show leadership in Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.

Summer Essay Writing Contest (July/August) Read More »

Earth Hour Environmental Fair and Lights Out Concert (March)

The Earth Hour event is an annual worldwide environmental drive that began in Sydney Australia in 2007. Since then, the event has grown over the years to engage more than 162 countries and territories worldwide, including Grenada. CYEN Grenada has been the official organizer for Earth Hour since 2012 and we have capitalized on this initiative to educate the public on environmental issues and to raise awareness on how our activities affect it.

Earth Hour Environmental Fair and Lights Out Concert (March) Read More »

Partnership for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) 5th High-Level Forum (23 March 2023)

The forum was held at The Brix Autograph Collection, Trinidad and Tobago from Monday 20th – Friday 24th March 2023. Straightening climate resilience in CSIDS, promoting food security in the region, Advancement of the SDG Agenda 2030. Two CYEN representatives attended the opening ceremony of the High-Level Forum on Wednesday 23rd March 2023 and remained as observers at the open technical discussions. One Executive and one general member attended.One executive member attended the PISLM Awards and dinner Gala.

Partnership for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) 5th High-Level Forum (23 March 2023) Read More »

UN Water Conference 2023 (22- 24 March 2023)

The Conference held Wednesday 22nd March – Friday 24th March in New York City adopted the Water Action Agenda as a main outcome representing voluntary commitments of countries and stakeholders to meet the global water-related goals and targets.CYEN representative, Akil Crichlow from Trinidad and Tobago, attended the UN Water Conference through funding from a scholarship provided by the EU Commission to speak at a side event organised by the EU Commission and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) entitled “Our Future – for Water & Life: OACPS-EU Youth Led Dialogue for cooperation in sustainable water resources management”.

UN Water Conference 2023 (22- 24 March 2023) Read More »

Caribbean Regional Water Loss Conference 2023 (21-23 March 2023)

This regional conference, Water Loss 2023, was the first of its kind. It was hosted by the International Water Association (IWA), the Caribbean and Wastewater Association (CWWA), the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) and the Ministry of Public Utilities (MPU) at Hilton, Trinidad and Tobago from Tuesday 21st March – Thursday 23rd March 2023.The highly specialised conference addressed the needs of water utilities in the Caribbean, who are under pressure to reduce water losses significantly and sustainably, and thus reduce carbon emission, during the next 7 years. Some of the world’s leading experts in the field of Non-Revenue Water Management discussed the latest developments, strategies, techniques and applications of international best practices and their applicability to the Caribbean.

Caribbean Regional Water Loss Conference 2023 (21-23 March 2023) Read More »

National Consultation Workshops to validate developed NDC Indicators and Accompanying Process Documents.  (7 March 2023)

This workshop was hosted by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th March to present and validate the proposed progress indicators developed through a two-pronged approach which utilised key stakeholder feedback obtained from the consultation workshop convened in October 2022 and expert knowledge on international reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, the EMA is hosting a Validation Workshop.The objective of this workshop was to conduct working sessions with stakeholders to assess the developed progress indicators for the various priority sectors and to gather detailed feedback on their perspectives to track the mitigation actions which will subsequently inform the development of the roadmap to integrate the developed gender sensitive NDC tracking systems and the corresponding templates, protocols, and guidelines into the existing national transparency system and align it with other international reporting obligations. One executive member attended on Tuesday 7th March.

National Consultation Workshops to validate developed NDC Indicators and Accompanying Process Documents.  (7 March 2023) Read More »

BES-NET TT Workshop Pollinator Identification (3 February 2023)

This workshop was hosted by the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network Trinidad & Tobago (BES-Net TT) on Friday, 3rd Feburary 2023. It aimed to equip persons with relevant knowledge and skills in key aspects of insect pollinator sampling that will build local capacity for identification and conservation of pollinator species in Trinidad and Tobago. Two executive members represented CYENTT at this workshop.

BES-NET TT Workshop Pollinator Identification (3 February 2023) Read More »

Just Transition Workshop (25 January 2023)

The workshop was held by the British High Commission on Wednesday 25th January, Day 3 of the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference. This workshop aimed to facilitate discussion on a Just Transition for Trinidad and Tobago, ensuring that the benefits of transitioning to a green economy are shared by all stakeholders and taking into account environmental considerations, structural changes to labour markets and emerging technologies. One executive member represented CYENTT at this workshop.

Just Transition Workshop (25 January 2023) Read More »