246 Designs Inc.

EW4ALL Workshop

CYEN was invited to participate in a 2-day consultative workshop from 1st-2nd November 2023 on Early Warnings for All (EW4ALL). The workshop was attended by National Coordinator, Shannon Weekes. During the workshop, the different pillars of EW4ALL were thoroughly discussed highlighting the gaps in existing strategies for the EW4ALL pillars. CYEN was happy to be engaged in this workshop as disaster is everyone’s business!

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2023 Planning Retreat

From December 8th-11th, CYEN in Barbados held its annual planning retreat at Inch Marlow Christ Church. During the retreat, a SWOT analysis for the chapter was reviewed and discussed and used to identify targets and objectives for the Chapter. Additionally, strategies and activities for the upcoming year were discussed. This planning retreat also gave members the opportunity to bond and get to know each other better.

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General Meeting and Mix and Mingle with NC from Dominica & President from St. Lucia

On November 9th, CYEN in Barbados held its general meeting and a meet and greet for Ferdison Velmond, NC in Dominica and Brodi, President in St. Lucia. During this event, members heard about Kimar’s experience at the Archipelagic and Island States Forum in Bali, Indonesia while interacting with each other and learning more about what our colleagues in St. Lucia and Dominica are doing.

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Interview with Lisa Kurapkat, Master Student from Germany

On November 10th, the National Coordinator, Ms. Shannon Weekes, and the Administrative and Logistics Officer, Ms. Jahdae Parris, were interviewed by a Master student, Ms. Lisa Kurapkat. Ms. Kurapkat is doing her Master’s  in Sustainable Regional Development at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde, Germany.  Her thesis revolves around the development of a concept for the Barbados Trailway, a paved bicycle and pedestrian path located primarily on right-of-way lands of the former Barbados Railway. During the interview, Lisa asked about the potential of integrating measures for young people into the trailway concept, current projects that have proven successful and how CYEN can be integrated as a key actor into the participative planning process long term as it relates to the Barbados trailway project.

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BICC 2023

From September 16th to October 22nd 2023, the Barbados Chapter held its annual event, “Barbados International Coastal Cleanup (BICC).” During BICC this year, 18 beaches were cleared of marine debris by more than four hundred (400+) participants from as young as 5. Participants cleared 1828.03kgs of marine debris from our beaches with some unusual finds being: a car bumper, a gas bottle, a toilet seat, a tongue depressor, a car jack and hair extensions. This year the top 10 items of local concern are: Plastic/foam pieces (6,696), Plastic bottle caps (4,775), Plastic beverage bottles (3,190), Food wrappers (1,717), Construction material (1,538), Plastic plates & cups (1,026), Metal bottle caps (1,000), Glass beverage bottles (938), Foam packaging (936)

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Beach Cleanup with British Navy Crew Members from the HMS Dauntless

On Wednesday 18th October 2023, crew members from the HMS Dauntless, CYEN members and representatives from the British High Commission gathered at Skeete’s Bay, St. Philip to participate in a Beach Cleanup under the Barbados International Coastal Cleanup (BICC). The cleanup resulted in 0.16km of beach being covered, 29 bags of garbage and 166.43kgs of marine debris.

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Plastics Drawdown Workshop

The Government of Barbados in partnership with Common Seas is developing a Plastics Drawdown Roadmap for Barbados to assist with identifying the necessary policies and actions to significantly reduce the associated negative impacts of plastics pollution. In this regard, a workshop was held on September 20th 2023, where CYEN was represented by Shannon Weekes. During the workshop, it was disclosed that in 2021, nearly 15,000 tonnes of plastic waste was generated in Barbados which is ~ 0.14kg per person per day and from the data, it is projected that 4,174 tonnes of plastics will leak into Barbados’ environment yearly if policies/actions are not taken. Additionally, different approaches to tackle plastic pollution in Barbados were discussed and 2 roadmaps were drafted. These roadmaps will help create a draft action plan for Barbados and how it tackles plastic pollution. Barbados’ action plan will also have global relevance as it will feed into the global plastics treaty currently being developed.

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